@Deligracy's Barbie - Custom Content Makeover #TheSims4

Yep I bet you can already guess what this post will be about ;)

So you know me, I love giving/doing makeovers on Sims. It allows me to express my creativity and I genuinely have so much fun doing it.

A while back I decided to give Deligracy's Barbie a Custom Content Makeover, because why not? Barbie was my favourite toy as a child and I actually did a Create A Sim of Barbie, based on one of my dolls I had as a kid.....

I love this video so much and the thumbnail :P 
CLICK HERE to watch me create my version of Barbie Roberts!

Below is Deli's Barbie with a Custom Content makeover!
CLICK HERE to watch me give Deli's Barbie a makeover.